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October 2023

On Monday 9th October, the Andover Vision stakeholders came together for their second session working towards a new action plan for the partnership. Once again, the turnout exceeded expectations, with close to 50 stakeholders in attendance...

July 2023

On Wednesday 26th July, the Andover Vision stakeholders reconvened for the first time since January. The meeting saw a great turnout with over 40 people from organisations and businesses right across Andover taking part in the first session in a series of three...

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January 2023

January saw the first Andover Vision meeting of the year. Cllr Tasker welcomed more than 40 stakeholders to St Mary's Church for an informal market place, centred around celebrating the success of Visions partners and projects over the last year...

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September 2022

September’s meeting saw over 30 residents, business owners and community group representatives gather at The Lights for an interesting evening of updates from Vision partners, including updates on Andover BID, A-Fest, the Cultural Sharing Forum, Andover's Climate Day of Action and more...

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July 2022

The Vision's second stakeholder meeting of the year was held at St Mary's Church.

Stakeholders shared their updates, took part in a workshop all about Andover's new place brand values, and signed a letter of support for Test Valley's Levelling Up Fund bid. 

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April 2022

The Vision's first stakeholder meeting of 2022 was held at The Lights theatre, with over 40 stakeholders in attendance on the evening!

Stakeholders shared their updates and took part in engaging roundtable discussions around Andover's Climate Day of Action and the Healthier Communities project.

December 2021

The Vision's Christmas stakeholder meeting was held at St Mary’s Church with over 40 stakeholders in attendance on the evening!

Stakeholders came together to share updates and take part in an engaging discussion around Andover's emerging place brand.

July 2021

The Vision's first in-person stakeholder meeting since February 2020 took place at St Mary’s Church with over 35 stakeholders in attendance! Stakeholders came together to share updates and take part in discussions on three important topics concerning the future of Andover and the Vision.

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March 2021

The first Andover Vision meeting of 2021 took place virtually and was a great success! More than 45 stakeholders came along and contributed on the night, sharing their ideas and taking part in discussions on what the Vision can do in the future to continue playing an important role for Andover and the community.

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December 2020

Our winter virtual stakeholder meeting was well attended, with over 50 people tuning in from their homes! Our stakeholders provided updates on what has happened in 2020 and what they have in plan for next year! 

February 2020

Our first stakeholder meeting of the year was well attended and our stakeholders had lots of exciting updates! The workshops focused on the Back from the Brink project, Local social action in practice and Andover BID

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