Stakeholder Meeting
11 January 2023
On Wednesday 11th January, Andover Vision stakeholders met for the first meeting of the year. The meeting was held at St Mary’s Church in Andover and saw over 40 residents, businesses, community organisations and others come together for our celebration of Andover Vision.
This meeting was run in a much more informal way than regular meetings, and the emphasis was placed on stakeholders having the opportunity to network with each other and learn more about the projects that have been going on throughout the town over the last year or so.
The meeting was opened by Cllr Tracey Tasker who welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked those hosting a stall for their contributions. The attendees were then invited to move around the different stalls and start engaging with the projects being presented.
There were a total of 8 stalls with representatives from the Men’s Shed, the Cultural Sharing Forum, Andover BID, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, Unity, Andover town centre events and place branding, Dragonfly Power and the Healthier Communities projects. There was a great energy in the room as stakeholders shared their successes from the last year and began to look at their goals for the coming year.
Thank you to everyone who attended, it was a great evening and lovely to see so many of you there. For more information about any of our stakeholders' updates, or if you would like to get involved, email andovervision@testvalley.gov.uk. We look forward to seeing you again soon!