Stakeholder Meeting 9 October 2023

On Monday 9th October, the Andover Vision stakeholders came together for their second session working towards a new action plan for the partnership. Once again, the turnout exceeded expectations, with close to 50 stakeholders in attendance.
There was a real buzz in the room from start to finish, and the group produced some great work. Working through the five ambitions, stakeholders explored the strengths and opportunities of each, before drafting some actions that could help the partnership achieve its ambitions for the town. Moving forward, we are hoping that with the help of the stakeholders, we will be able to sense check these actions with the public, to make sure we are headed in the right direction.
We will then look forward to our third action focussed session in December, where we hope to finalise an action plan, and celebrate the work that the partnership has done over the past 6 months with a mince pie!